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You can customise most of the parts to fit your needs.

Labels / Translations

Labels are stored in language files and can be overwritten by creating files in the lang/vendor/filament-changelog/[LOCALE] directory.

For example, to edit the page heading create lang/vendor/filament-changelog/[LOCALE]/page.php, and set the heading key.

See the Laravel Docs on how work with translation strings. Refer to vendor/pxlrbt/filament-changelog/lang/en/ for all available files and translation keys.

Overriding Views

You can override the views by publishing the package views to your resources folder. For example you can customize the release feed by overriding/copying partials/releases.blade.php to resources/views/vendor/filament-changelog/partials/releases.blade.php.

Release Asset Storage

If you want to change the storage directory for the cached GitHub assets, publish the config file and change the storage config. By default it uses public disk and the changelog directory.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="pxlrbt\FilamentChangelog\FilamentChangelogServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Filtering Releases

Sometimes you may want to filter the releases that are displayed in the changelog. You can do so by using the Changelog::filterReleasesUsing() method in a service provider.

Changelog::filterReleasesUsing(function (Release $release) {
    return version_compare(trim($release->tag, 'v'), '1.4.8', '>');